FieldFocus designed and built a website to allow managers to create and assign almost any company form to their employees and contractors.

How field info is collected:
- Employee downloads FieldFocus mobile app to their mobile device.
- Employee securely logs in and accesses any forms assigned to them.
- Employee uses their mobile device to complete the forms directly from the field or job site - eliminating the need for paper forms and the “lost” form in transit back to the office.
- Employee enters in required information, which may include photos, GPS coordinates, etc.
- Employee finishes form, or report, and submits it to back office.
- Employees can also review previously submitted reports for up to 90 days

How back office uses field info:
- Receive submitted reports immediately and view them without delay.
- Ability to accept or reject report, with comments
- Export reports to CSV or PDF to be emailed, printed or saved immediately
- Use CSV files to be imported into other software, like Quickbooks, data trend analysis, etc
- Export into a zip file multiple reports to be emailed, shared or saved

Additional back office functionality:
- Create virtually any custom forms
- Add or remove field employees to the system
- Add or remove supervisors to the system
- Assign or retract forms to field employees
- Set reporting goals for specific forms for specific employees
- Review team member report submission performance